
Koselig provides a few Blade directives for helping you interact with WordPress within your views.

The Loop

The Loop is a WordPress term for the loop processing all the posts that match the current page. For example, on search pages you'd use The Loop for displaying search results & on the home page you'd use The Loop for displaying the most recent posts. This allows you to reuse your result partials nearly everywhere quite easily.

Koselig provides @loop and @endloop directives to leverage The Loop in your views. The current post you're processing is available inside the $post variable or you can use the post() helper.

Meta and Scripts

Koselig provides @wphead and @wpfooter directives to call wp_head and wp_footer helpers in your views.

Gravity Forms

If you happen to use Gravity Forms then you're in luck. Koselig provides an @gravityform() directive for calling gravity_form() from your views.