
Koselig provides various different ways to grab meta values. Everything is cached on first fetch to ensure speed throughout the request. This replaces get_post_meta and get_field and so deprecates them.

Using the Meta model

To get simple meta values from the current page, you can use the get method on the Meta model.


Meta is flexible in that you can also provide a page to get the meta value from, this can either be a Post model or an id of a post. Pass nothing as the key if you'd like to get all meta values or pass an array if you'd like to get more than one value.

Meta::get(Post::where('title', 'Test')->first(), '_wp_page_template');

Meta::get(['_wp_page_template', '_wp_attached_file']);

Koselig also supports Advanced Custom Fields values. To get these, use the acf method on the Meta model.


Like get, you can pass a Post model, id of a post or nothing as the first parameter if you'd like to get values from another post other than the current one.

Using a Post model

If you have an instance of Post you'd like to get meta values from, there are methods in that model you can use to do that. You can use getMeta to get simple meta values. Like the above, you can pass a string, an array or nothing to the method to get one, some or all values respectively.

Route::template('home', function (Post $post) {
    echo $post->getMeta('_wp_page_template');

Post models, like the Meta model, also supports Advaned Custom Fields values. You can get these using getACF with the same parameters as getMeta.

Route::template('home', function (Post $post) {
    echo $post->getACF('test');